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从寂寥的历史中走出来,
千年往事,
一枕黄粱。
改编自龙湘黔、王清泉《状元路》
前两天看朋友圈,菲律宾朋友分享了一则故事。
挺有趣的——
Very
iing
first
sight
of
civilization.
“Years
ago,
anthropologist
Margaret
Mead
was
asked
by
a
student
what
she
considered
to
be
the
first
sign
of
civilization
in
a
cuure.
The
student
expected
Mead
to
talk
about
fishhooks
or
clay
pots
rinding
stones.
But
no.
Mead
said
that
the
first
sign
of
civilization
in
an
a
cuure
was
a
femur
(thighbone)
that
had
been
broken
and
then
healed.
Mead
explained
that
in
the
animal
kingdom,
if
you
break
your
leg,
you
die.
You
cannot
run
from
danger,
get