heard
that
after
your
defeat,
the
flagpole
was
struck
by
lightning,
and
the
flag
was
even
knocked
down
and
floated
into
the
septic
tank."
“听说你们战败以后,旗杆被雷劈了?国旗甚至还被打下来飘进了化粪池?”
"God
couldn't
bear
to
look
at
it,
hahaha!"
(老天都看不下去了哈哈哈哈)
见L方代表人一脸菜色,Y方代表人又接着补了一刀,不嫌事大。
这下,L方代表人彻底坐不住了,怒不可遏站了起来,指着捧腹大笑的F方代表人面色狰狞。
"There's
no
such
thing!"
(根本没有这回事!)
"It's
been
raining
these
days,
just
a
coincidence!
want
a
reasonable
explanation
now,
you..."
(这几天都下雨,巧合而已!我现在就想要一个合理的解释,你……)
话还没说完,L方代表人就看见对面的Y国代表人嗖一下站了起来!
在众目睽睽之下弯下腰,把袜子脱了下来,揉成一团。
抡胳膊就朝大圆桌那边的L方代表人抛过去!
经过抛物线计算,不偏不倚,抛进了L方代表人半张着的嘴里!快、准、狠!
"What's
there
to
explain?
"
(有什么可解释的?)
"Would
a
powerful
country
like
even
start
a
war
with
you
for
no
reason?"
(像F国这样强国会无缘无故地和你开战吗?)
"Acc
to
you,
those
people
who
smuggle
drugs
and
massacre
the
people
in
the
coastal
areas
of
are
dogs,
right?"
(照你这么说,在F国沿海地区走私毒品、屠杀民众的不是人,是狗喽?)
"This
is
the
pair
of
socks
bought
recently."
(这是我最近买的一双袜子。)
"With
excellent
deodorant
function.
Your
mouth
is
too
stinky."
(除臭功能极棒,你的嘴太臭了!)
"I'll
give
you
a
free
deodorant,
no
need
to
thank
me."
(免费给你除臭,不用谢我。)
"Not
only
stinky,
but
also
hard!"
(不仅臭,而且硬!)喜欢帅翻!京圈大佬在线打脸!请大家收藏: