love
and
acceptance
that
lit
up
the
way
forward
and
gave
me
the
ce
to
transform
and
break
through
the
cocoon.
We
all
have
dreams
in
our
hearts.
Don't
be
held
back
by
our
ins,
skin
colors
or
pasts.
If
we
bravely
pursue
our
dreams,
we
will
surely
be
able
to
cross
mountains
and
seas
and
embrace
the
stars.)
这一段激昂陈词,沈玲珑说得铿锵有力,情绪层层递进,辅以有力的手势,将柯林斯的坚韧、豁达展现得淋漓尽致。
台下掌声雷动,有人甚至起身喝彩。导演约翰·李·汉考克紧盯监视器,满脸喜色,一旁的工作人员也不禁交头接耳,夸赞不绝。
演讲临近尾声,沈玲珑目光坚定,扫视全场,掷地有声地收尾:“Let's
embrace
our
differences
and
chase
our
dreams
together!
Thank
you!”(让我们接纳彼此的不同,一起追逐梦想!谢谢大家!)语毕,她优雅鞠躬,台下爆发出如潮的掌声与欢呼声。
“Cut!”导演激动大喊,一路小跑至台上,双手用力鼓掌:“沈,简直超神了!这演讲感染力满分,情绪收放自如,肢体、台词堪称完美,这条直接过,太惊艳了!”
沈玲珑眼眶湿润,重重点头致谢:“多谢导演,多亏大家营造的氛围,让我能全身心投入。”喜欢华娱:一首泡沫技惊四座请大家收藏: